Confections are a fabulous sweet addition to any party. We love personalized place cards made by adding candies to a small pretty organza bag with the addition of a custom tag, a lollipop or chocolate-shaped candy with a custom label to personalize it, and we have true affection for little chocolates or nuts in our printed boxes as a personalized place card or favor. Our bagged chocolate chip cookies and gum balls make a wonderful treat too. They also come in mason jars and in cute little paint cans for a unique and appreciated gift for your guests and/or the hostesses/hosts. Consider leaving a special edible on everyone's dinner plate in a little printed box, a great accent welcomed by all.
Some other popular type of candies for special events include edible roses, truffle favors in boxes, foot long and yard-long candy tubes, tea bag favors, chocolate CD's, almond favors, mint boxes, flavored popcorn in silver bags, small bags with gourmet chocolates, chocolate bride and groom, tented favors with confections, acrylic favor packs filled with treats, chocolate bars, prism shaped chocolate place cads, chocolate champagne bottle, chocolate roses, chocolate suckers, chocolate favor boxes in heart or square shapes, coffee stir spoons, themed candies, monogrammed and foiled chocolates, specialty molded candies, gourmet truffles in custom printed boxes, mints in personalized wrappers, full-sized candy bar favors with full-color photos, and lollipops in custom wrappers, just to name a few ideas.