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Studio Insights

The Difference Between

Over the years, many of our customers have spelled our company name incorrectly.  It was so common for customers to spell it "the stationary studio" instead of "the stationery studio" that we had to purchase the incorrectly spelled website address many years ago.  Fortunately, our clients can easily find us no matter how they spell our company name!

What is the difference? 

According to Webster's Dictionary:

Stationery spelled with an "ery" is:

  1. materials (as paper, pens, and ink) for writing or typing
  2. letter paper usually accompanied with matching envelopes

Stationary spelled with an "ary" is:

  1. fixed in a station, course, or mode: immobile
  2. unchanging in condition

So, a little trick you can use to help you remember the correct spelling is that the version with an "e" as in "envelope" is the correct spelling.  

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