Planning a First Communion Party?

Planning a First Communion party?  The Stationery Studio has beautiful, personalized items that add the perfect touch to their special day.  Now is the perfect time to order to make sure you get everything in time for your party!

We have hand selected a few of our favorites to help you get ready.

Serve cake on our personalized plates.35452

Personalized napkins add the perfect touch to the dessert table.7785c

Looking for the perfect gift?  These personalized frames are a beautiful gift and a great keepsake.communionFrames

Just add your favorite chocolate and you have a unique favor!4925

And don’t forget the Thank You notes12033

These are fun for any little girl or boy and personalized just for them.

For even more options, make sure to check out our First Communion boutique to shop for your invitations and party supplies.

