
As Low As $0.33 ea.
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Product Description
These peel 'n stick mailing labels featuring a holiday citrus wreath will add a personal touch to your shipments. Size is 4" x 3". Flat printed in ink color as shown with your choice of typestyle. Glossy water-resistant stock. Positioning only as shown. A Stationery Studio exclusive. A Stationery Studio exclusive.
Wording "Please deliver to:" will always appear as shown.
Labels are presented on rolls.
Sample shown using ENLI typestyle.

Why did you choose this?
“Because they’re lovely and will make my packages look more cheerful and beautiful. And who doesn’t want more cheer and beauty in their life? Cheer and beauty live in the details, darling… the small things. Like pretty mailing labels. Thank you for offering these!”
— Lenka W., purchased January 12, 2025
“It’s easier to write on a label than a box and I think I can use these beautiful labels year round”
— Laura C.