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Product Description
Beautiful high quality personalized 3-ply napkins in your choice of beverage, luncheon or dinner size. Free online preview. Choice of 30+ napkin colors and 40+ imprint colors. Typestyle and positioning only as shown. Shrink wrapped in sets of 50.
Wording "HAPPY HOUR WITH" will always appear as shown.
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Happy Hour Martini Collection
Happy Hour Martini Collection
Why did you choose this?
“This is my third order of cocktail napkins. They are decent quality and easier than finding cocktail napkins in the stores!”
— Eileen C., purchased January 30, 2025
“I ordered before and loved them.”
— Melissa G.
“Christmas gift”
— Trish W.
“These make a Great Gift”
— Debra J.
“This is the second time I've ordered them! They were originally a gift for my parents for their anniversary. They used the first order up completely and asked for more, hence the second purchase. It's nice to be able to find something that they actually need and will use, plus they are a fun conversation starter when company comes. Thank you!”
— Karen M.
“I like the color of napkin and the gold foil!”
— Jane T.
Why did you choose this?
“This is my third order of cocktail napkins. They are decent quality and easier than finding cocktail napkins in the stores!”
— Eileen C., purchased January 30, 2025
“I ordered before and loved them.”
— Melissa G.
“Christmas gift”
— Trish W.
“These make a Great Gift”
— Debra J.
“This is the second time I've ordered them! They were originally a gift for my parents for their anniversary. They used the first order up completely and asked for more, hence the second purchase. It's nice to be able to find something that they actually need and will use, plus they are a fun conversation starter when company comes. Thank you!”
— Karen M.
“I like the color of napkin and the gold foil!”
— Jane T.
“They are a cute host/hostess gift.”
— Mary Ellen W.
“Very Fun and Easy to Read”
— Debra J.
“Happy Hour of course ...”
— Jesse Y H.
“Housewarming gift”
— JA J.
“Hostess gift”
— Dee R.
“Birthday Event”
— Sondra S.
“The perfect housewarming gift!”
— Carol L.
“Entertaining in our home”
— Sharon C.
“Once a week (on "Thirsty Thursday"), I visit my parents for Happy Hour. We catch up on the week's news, enjoy cocktails and one another's company. During last week's visit, I was made aware that the cocktail napkin supply was dwindling. I took the hint, but I wanted to find something unique. These napkins are perfect! I plan to include them in the wine basket we are giving them for their 61st anniversary next month. Thank you!”
— Karen M.
“we just liked this one”
— Pamela P.