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Product Description
A modern and trendy set of notepads with a total of 700 sheets. Set of 7 notepads each with 100 sheets per notepad. The sizes include: 2 pads that are 3.25" x 5", 2 pads that are 3.25" x 6", 2 pads that are 4" x 6" and 1 pad that is 5" x 8". Flat printed in your choice of ink color and stock color. Typestyle and positioning only as shown. Optional acrylic holder available.

Why did you choose this?
“I love how fun they all look”
“Pink is my granddaughter Grace’s favorite color”
— Ranny F.
“Such a cute gift for a sweet friend! I know she will love some pink and personalized! :)”
— Kristen H.
“Simple design, Liked the notebooks that came with this set”
— Kate C.
“Simple design”
— Alex H.
“Incredible and beautiful quality”
— Soraya L.
Product Reviews (1)
Very pleased
This note pad set was a Christmas gift. It was perfect! The personalization was very nice; I really liked how the different size note pads had different configurations of his name. Some had just a first name while others had both first and last name. My husband was very happy with his gift!
Susan R.