Category: Stationery

Email or Thank You Note?


It’s Friday and I was thinking ahead to the weekend.  We are invited to two parties and of course I am planning what I will bring. Then I started to think about making sure I have enough stationery and stamps for writing a thank you


Top 10 Staff Faves: Stationery Sale

Summer Stationery Sale

Our Summer Stationery Sale is here and it’s the perfect time to stock up!  We are sharing our Top 10 Favorite Stationery picks from our sale.  These sets are perfect for refreshing your own stationery, make an excellent gift for birthdays, bridal showers and housewarming


Why Handwriting is Important

Someone at work just shared an article with me about the importance of handwriting.  I’ve always felt strongly that it is in fact important.  I remember being in college and writing down my notes during a lecture. There is science showing that writing your notes


Passing Notes in Class


Remember passing notes in class?  Being distracted and writing your friend a note about a certain boy or maybe writing a note to your crush asking them if they liked you?  Seems like the days of passing notes are behind us as texting takes it’s


Hello Gorgeous!


We just added some adorable new note cards to our site and when I saw them, I had to share them.  Our new note cards are just what your stationery wardrobe needs to add a punch of fun and whimsy.  Who’s day could you make


Thank You, Guy Trebay

This week I came across a story in the New York Times called “The Found Art of Thank-You Notes” by Guy Trebay.  It was such a great article that I shared it through twitter and with some of my friends. Mr. Trebay really captured the